Seven property owners on East Butler Avenue and Iron Hill Road in New Britain Borough will be getting some additional property now that council unanimously passed an ordinance Wednesday approving the vacation of a portion of an unopened “paper street” named Myers Avenue, totaling 18,275 square feet of abandoned right-of-way property.
The ordinance allowed the council to vacate or close a portion of a street that was previously laid out, but never created, called a paper street, located in the Borough.
“Council … has determined that the residents of New Britain Borough will benefit from the vacation of a portion of Myers Avenue,” stated the ordinance.
“The Borough has no existing interest in it because it was never opened,” said Solicitor Michael Peters. “Theoretically, once it is done, each property owner will own to the middle of the road on their side.”
He said the ordinance gets rid of the aspect of a paper street on title.
The vacation is being completed in connection with a proposed mixed-use overlay development near the intersection.
Iron Hill Road resident Colleen Francescangeli asked if the developer will take access off her road. Borough Manager John Wolff said there are preliminary designs, with buildings and parking lots in a conceptual stage.
Properties receiving transfer of land include: